About Us

The gallery is silent and the witness is sweating, his eyes wander aimlessly in the gallery, hoping to be rescued by his lawyer. Lies unravel from our incisive questioning, giving him enough slack to perpetuate his lies before hanging him dry after with his hands caught inside his jar of lies. This has been our idea of lawyering and this has been our practice, and more.


We value consistent quality counseling. With Eleazar Bangi Law as your legal partner, you are guaranteed professional legal services throughout the engagement.


We have won cases through creative means that remain within the bounds of law. Our creative strategy enables us to successfully provide legal solutions to various issues.


As we start our partnership, we are committed to support your legal journey until the end. We are not only your lawyers but also your legal partners.

Our Services

In a world full of uncertainty, the prudent move is to make sure every entity is legally protected. Thus, assistance and guidance from legal professionals is crucial. As a full-service law firm, ELEAZAR BANGI LAW OFFICE, provides various legal services that cater to varying needs – from personal to business and even political.